Thursday, September 23, 2010


Finally it's here...after soo long..

Had a fuckin' great birthday!! i swear two straight days of celebration just makes you appreciate what your friends have prepared for you without you's not easy to plan this type of thing..requires cracking of the brain...therefore, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, I would like to thank all my lovely wonderful awesomeness wonderful(have i said that alr??) Friends!!!!!! love you guys a fuckin' lot!!! THANKS FOR ALL THE WONDERFUL SURPRISES AND PRESENTS!! REALLY LOVED IT ALOT..THANK YOU GUYS!! What can i say, i got the bestest people on earth around me!!

Cheers!! ;)

And fuck yeah im 18!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Last Ride.

I have been fuckin' busy outside for the past couple of days. Exams are fuckin' over.. Holidays on now!! Fuck Yeah!! even though im sure im gonna screw up my grades but fuck it laa.. It's the holidays..i guess the ppl who created this word thought holidays as the HOLY-day..hahahaa... A fuckin' great day.. i dont know what im crapping about.._|_

hari raya was great!! had a preety lot of food and definitely $$$ hahaha.. ;)

it's the last ride of 17 years on this earth..Freedom like finally laa...but it doesnt feel that exciting cos what im not supposed to be trying till now i've already tried..i shall miss those underage days man!! it was more exciting running away from authorities for something that hasnt reaching the age limit kinda looks stupid but it was much more fun that way, seriously. you will come out with different possible ways to try to get away.hehee

Well,the MAIN purpose of getting that X number of age is to enrol for my bike!! woo hoo!! Im just gonna take my own time to complete it.. ;)

cos im TNT, im dynamite...hahahaa..

just listening to the song so i shall type out them lyrics.. ;)



I've been reading up on illuminati recently and seriously it kinda freaked me out..It's like everyfn'where laa..and it can be just any who wont know it until you see it indirectly..the world is definitely corrupted now that i've seen all this..fuck.

ytd i saw your fucking face after 5 months but it seems you didnt change a's as though nothing happened eh?? _|_ maybe i was wrong. It might be easy to forget but forgive,i dont know..


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Ultimate Failure.

So, ytd was teachers day celebration ehh?? Met Ade at 10 to plan to go visit the old school. But reached there, the security didnt allow fuckin' slippers to enter. So we didnt go in cos Ade was wearing slippers. Stupid security guy! We heard they only allowed after 11 which by the time we left alr. Failed!!! Proceeded to gwc to study and my stomach was growling alr..hahaha...So yeah, didnt fast ytd..Failed!!! hahaha ssshhh!! ;)

Was really productive studying ytd, apart from being full of energy after breaking fast at noon.. hahaha..Started on my E-Matls which will be on Mon!! Die!! not done yet.Saw Aloy and Chaw there and they joined us for like 15 mins of studying?? then left for bugis..wth..Failed!!

Left there about 4pm and i headed to town to meet Vicknesh, Zhi Yong and Man..They were supposed to be studying but it was Vick's bday as well so just lepak around before heading home. Yet another Failed attempt everytime we decide to study cos we just cant study together..bad influence..hahaha

Then, later at night, smth terrible happened..THE Ultimate Failure of the day...i was jamming with my guitar in my room when the straplock broke off and my whole guitar dropped on the floor and literally bounced back.. That was how great the impact was. FUCK!! There was a crack of the size of a fuckin' thumb at the bottom!! Wah, heart pain seeing that shit.. really..i slowly picked up the small pieces around the floor and more started to slowly dropped of from the guitar...i shall not continue....Just look..

Even though i was depressed for the moment but im fine..looks kinda vintage though..haha.. luckily,the tone wasnt much affected..well, if you play good, it doesnt matter how your guitar looks actually..shall not dwell abt it..happened alr anyways...Worryin' just a waste of my fuckin' time.. ;)
